Update: Extended Selection Process for the SSADZA Fund Open Call

Press Release


Harare, Zimbabwe – 14 February 2025 – As previously announced, the inaugural open call for the Swiss Support to Arts Development in Zimbabwe (SSADZA) Fund has garnered an extraordinary response from the creative community, necessitating an extended review process. 

Originally, the review period was scheduled to conclude on 12th February, 2025. However, due to unforeseen scheduling issues and the need to accommodate additional adjudication sessions, a further extension has been made necessary. This extension will allow the SSADZA Advisory Board, in collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland and Stimulus Africa Foundation, to complete all outstanding evaluation processes thoroughly.

As a result of these adjustments, the awards announcement is now slated for early March, 2025, with the exact date to be confirmed in due course. This timeline will provide the selection panel sufficient time to review all entries and identify the final list of projects that best align with the fund’s objectives of supporting and advancing Zimbabwe’s creative and cultural industries by enabling the creation and showcasing of original new works.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all applicants for their passion, creativity, and patience during this extended review process. Further updates will be communicated as soon as the adjudication process is complete, and we look forward to celebrating the innovative projects that will no doubt contribute to shaping the future of arts development in Zimbabwe.

Media Contact:
For more information, please contact the Stimulus Grant Management Team:
Email: Impact@stimulusafrica.com | WhatsApp: +263777887112

For updates on the SSADZA Fund and other upcoming opportunities, please follow @StimulusAfrica and the Swiss Embassy on social media or visit our website on: https://www.stimulusafrica.com/opportunities-creative-economy-swissfund/