
For Entrepreneurs & their Enterprises

Incubation & Acceleration

Stimulus Africa offers Incubation and Accelerator programmes designed to catalyse growth in micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSME’s) by enabling them to develop strong business models. Both programmes can run for 6-months, 12-months, 18-months or 24-months in length and use context-specific training tools and models to support MSME’s grow.

The incubator programmes also offer a variety of supporting training workshops, One2One business coaching and mentorship throughout the programme in order to ensure that the entrepreneur and the enterprise are fully supported.


Business Coaching Clinics

The Stimulus Coaching Clinics offer:

Business Coaching at Stimulus takes place through our various Business Coaching Clinics that give entrepreneurs access to strategic guidance and professional services including legal, finance, branding & marketing, business modelling and more. Stimulus Coaching Clinic services are delivered by qualified professional consultants specialist in their fields.

HOW WE guide YOU

Mentorship Programmes

Stimulus offers a structured Mentorship programme for entrepreneurs and their enterprises to support the development of leadership and strategy skills in the entrepreneur | founder and direction for the enterprise.

Our mentorship programmes have four levels;

Interested in our entrepreneurs & Enterprises Programs? Get in touch!